An Ubuntu Friendly Printer Recommendation.

David Sanders dsuzukisanders at
Wed Mar 10 13:58:13 GMT 2010

True enough (I was being a bit facetious) but *anything* that requires
out-of-hand compiling can't ever be described as "simple". Well not
Ubuntu-level simple at any rate.
However, the vast majority of laser printers do postscript anyhow, so
drivers aren't really an issue and I'm pretty sure HPLIP can
understand *any* HP laser that uses JetDirect.
If we're talking inkjet support, then yes they release the horrid
things all the time and drivers are always out-of-date, but using an
alternative "older" model driver almost always does the trick for me.

Lastly, I wouldn't use a laser printer to print a photo if you paid me
for it - the colours are horrid, which is why big expensive "plotters"
are always ink.

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