Default Ubuntu applications

David Sanders dsuzukisanders at
Tue Mar 2 15:18:07 GMT 2010

On 2 March 2010 15:56, Chris Puttick <cputtick at> wrote:
> Ok, time to get myself some flaming/adulation, depending on how this
> particular !innocent question is taken...

You wouldn't be trolling would you?

> I count myself lucky to use Kubuntu (rather than Ubuntu), and I guess
> by proxy lucky to have started Linux life with SuSE; it means I know
> about some really great applications.

-1 Flamebait.

> One of those is Gwenview, which

Well, for starters, Ubuntu is gnome based, and I believe the Kubuntu
package just adds standard KDE bits onto the base so Gwenview is out
for starters.
It's always a lottery hoping you'll get your favourite application
included in the base distribution but, as per usual, gwenview is in
the repos, so it's only a Software Centre (or apt-get) away. You don't
mention any other "really great" apps, so I can't vouch for whatever
they might be.

I, for one, would rather keep anything that requires qt out of the
base distro, and anything dependent on actual KDE can go fish as far
I'm concerned.

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