Dell ships motherboard with malicious code

Chan Chung Hang Christopher christopher.chan at
Thu Jul 22 14:41:23 BST 2010

Michael Haney wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:04 AM, Christopher Chan
> <christopher.chan at> wrote:
>> Oh, oh, the rootkit on Sony music cds was it? Yeah, i have this thing
>> for sony now.
> Yes, thanks to Sony and the dicks at the UK firm that developed XCP,
> its stealth capabilities were released into the wild and reverse
> engineered by Script Kiddies.  A new breed of more dangerous malware,
> worms and Trojan Horses were the result.  Classic example of how DRM
> did nothing to hurt pirates but did help to make the Internet a more
> dangerous place.  Thankfully, the anti-virus makers were quick to
> respond or Sony's screw up could have had serious consequences.
> If I recall the US Department of Homeland Security actually issued a
> warning to Sony concerning XCP.  Also, if I recall someone dissected
> XCP's binaries and found references to FOSS software that was
> improperly incorporated it into.

Yes, well, Sony was basically showing what it thinks of their customers 
(low-life copiers) but at least they did not do it to profit from 
physically harming their customers.

On another note, Canada might be another case...canola oil and 
asbestos...not sure how far those really go into harming the health of 
their consumers though.

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