eyesight check

Kevin Hunter hunteke at earlham.edu
Sat Feb 20 22:10:50 GMT 2010

At 4:58pm -0500 Sat, 20 Feb 2010, Gryllida wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 12:18 AM, Kevin Hunter wrote:
> [ Suggestion to use a virtualization solution like VirtualBox ]

> no, I want Ubuntu be independent of Windows. Thanks again for this
> suggestion.

I'm not sure you understand virtualization.  Or, at the very least, I
don't understand this last statement.  Virtualization is completely
independent of Windows.  You could take that virtual machine you created
[in Windows], and run it on another Windows host, or Linux host, or a
FreeBSD host, or [another] host... and it would just work -- no
twiddling necessary.  It would have absolutely zero tie to Windows,
other than that's from where you would happen to be running it.

However, if the point is for you to learn other tidbits, and not just to
have an Ubuntu instance for testing your Firefox plugin, then by all
means chow down on the dual-boot option.


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