And now for some vaguely on-topic off-topicality: OOo 3.2

David Gerard dgerard at
Mon Feb 15 16:48:43 GMT 2010

On 15 February 2010 16:43, Tero Pesonen <tero at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 15:35 +0000, David Gerard wrote:

>> The best software for presentations is clear thinking and knowing what
>> you're talking about. The purpose of presentation software is to
>> alleviate stage fright.

> Indeed. I've made a presentation with Emacs. I printed it on
> transparencies and displayed it on an overhead projector. I have seen
> only few presentations that could not have been given without Powerpoint
> or similar software. People make presentation-making too difficult these
> day.

I'm not really meaning to put down people who can't talk without
PowerPoint. Public speaking is the number-one fear [citation needed].
PowerPoint is popular because it's a useful and effective tool for
those people to communicate quickly.

(Even if I don't understand it myself, to the point where I describe
myself as having a fear of not publicly speaking ...)

- d.

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