Linux Hater's Blog (parody)

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Wed Feb 3 08:00:24 GMT 2010

On Wednesday, February 03, 2010 03:46 PM, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> Michael Haney wrote:
>> How many in this current generation of young computer users have ever
>> used MS-DOS, ever needed to create a custom boot floppy to get just
>> one game to run right, or ever used a computer "without" a GUI
>> interface more then just ONCE in their current lifetime?
> I can't help but detect undertones of pity here, as if these kids have
> somehow been cheated by the development of computers.
> For what it's worth, I'm comfortably within your age bracket, and I
> have dome most of the above. Through curiosity rather than necessity in
> the main, though.

Okay, it is time to list the games:

Fireteam 2200
Countdown to Doomsday
Crescent Hawk's Revenge
Ultima VIII

>> Xerox created the GUI, technically.  Apple was the first to
>> commercially implemented it, and Micro$oft copied it ... and apparent
>> keep on copying it.
> All invention is just copies and refinements of some previous idea.
> It's such a dumb argument that MS is somehow bad because it saw someone
> else producing a GUI and thought "that's a good idea, I'll make one of
> them". Especially on a linux-related mailing list. What is the Linux
> kernel if not a copy-and-refinement of a Unix one?

I guess we resent the charging for a poor implementation that copies wait, the FORCING of a poor implementation and then 
making people pay an arm and a leg while they were at it.

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