Linux Hater's Blog (parody)

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Tue Feb 2 00:54:25 GMT 2010

On Tuesday, February 02, 2010 08:48 AM, Michael Haney wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Christopher Chan
> <christopher.chan at>  wrote:
>>> Another thing is, they're afraid of the Terminal.  These people are
>>> spoiled rotten by Windows!  They don't know what it was really like
>>> during the MS/PC-DOS days.  They're heard rumors and now they equate
>>> anything that involve typing commands as extremely hard and tedious.
>>> Lazy bastards.
>> Blaming Windows? What about MacOS or Apple? WHO started the whole GUI
>> business?
> Which platform has had the lion's share of the desktop market for 20
> years?  How many in this current generation of young computer users
> have ever used MS-DOS, ever needed to create a custom boot floppy to
> get just one game to run right, or ever used a computer "without" a
> GUI interface more then just ONCE in their current lifetime?

That could just as easily gone the other way. If Apple's MacOS had been 
dominant, would this change things? How many Apple users know the 
command line?

> Xerox created the GUI, technically.  Apple was the first to
> commercially implemented it, and Micro$oft copied it ... and apparent
> keep on copying it.

Heh. The only real contribution to computing from Bill Gates and co was 
his BASIC software. The rest was all 'borrowed' and then there is all 
the negative contributions when they buy out competitors/others and then 
shut stuff down.

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