It�s Official � The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December
Douglas Pollard
dougpol1 at
Mon Dec 27 22:39:33 GMT 2010
On 12/26/2010 02:03 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 01:36:26PM -0500, Douglas Pollard wrote:
>> On 12/24/2010 11:16 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> ..........snip.........
>>> Just remember one thing. Just for the sake of argument let's say you're
>>> right about Government trying to exercise more control over different
>>> sectors of the economy. In the last analysis, it was the corporate
>>> community that brought it on themselves with their cavalier attitude of
>>> profits at all costs. This is what the hardcore right wing refuses to
>>> accept.
>> Ok Robert, You do a good job of arguing your point. We of course will
>> never agree so this could go on forever. All I can say is I hope your
>> side proves to be right because both sides can't be and since we both
>> have the countries good at heart the ending is what is important. If the
>> country is improved it doesn't matter who does it.
> I couldn't agree more. The problem is that the two side's idea of what
> constitutes improvement are diametrically opposed and irreconcilable.
> One point I'd like you to clear up. In one of your posts you said that
> you didn't think that the Government really cares if Comcast or some
> other provider has a monopoly or not. The thread isn't about monopolies,
> it's about net neutrality. What is your view of that?
> Thanks for the compliment.
> Take care.
Bob,I will try to answer your question. First of, to know where I am
coming from, you have to know that I believe that the capitalists,
industrialists, big or small business are not in control of the world or
American economy. I believe the consumer is. In my opinion consumerism
is the most powerful force in the world other than sex, and the power of
business and capital weak by comparison.
I don't belive that any business or product can succeed that the
consumer does not want to buy. The most successful business will fail
as Did General Motors, Chrysler and the banks and as would half of Wall
Street when they failed to deliver a product that the consumer wants and
considers good value for his money. Most here worry that the internet
pricing will be controlled by the present day providers. I don't
believe it is remotely possible for them to do that, unless, the
Government hands them a monopoly which the Government has disastrously
done many times in the past. They gave Ma Bell the Telephone service,
ABC,CBS,NBC the airwaves, and a few airlines the air transportation
service, the power companies and a few railroads. They all became so
expensive and inefficient that they nearly all failed and competition
had to be allowed in save these markets. I believe the present
providers will be given monopolies by the FCC in exchange for
controlling prices as they have done in the past. The result will be
less service at higher prices . I don't believe that net neutrality is
in anyway the reason the FCC wants to get involved with controlling
pricing. If they control the companies by way of controlling pricing
they will control every aspect of the Internet. A company that does not
control it's costs and does not control it's pricing is no long
sovereign and is only a pawn of the controller. You don't have to
believe me just look at the results of Government intervention by the
FCC, FAA, Tennessee valley authority and so on. Just recently the
federal Governement allowed the Pennsylvania power co( can't remember
its name)to take over power in West Virgina and power costs have
emidiatly doubled. It's also aginst the law for anyone in west Virgina
to generate power and sell it.
So no I don't trust the FCC with my Internet and monopoly is
definitely involved as that is the bargaining chip used to gain control.
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