It�s Official � The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Sat Dec 25 23:18:03 GMT 2010

On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 13:36:26 -0500
Douglas Pollard <dougpol1 at> wrote:

> Ok Robert, You do a good job of arguing your point. We of course will 
> never agree so this could go on forever.   All I can say is I hope
> your side proves to be right because both sides can't be and since we
> both have the countries good at heart the ending is what is
> important. If the country is improved it doesn't matter who does
> it. Doug

Allow me to announce my new-found respect for you, Doug.

Cybe R. Wizard
About disasters:
"We'll do what we always do; point the finger of blame, sacrifice a
few goats, figure out how to turn a profit and then get on with it."
	J. Paul Spacer

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