It�s Official � The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at
Sat Dec 25 03:43:15 GMT 2010

On 12/24/2010 08:08 PM, Michael Haney wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Douglas Pollard<dougpol1 at>  wrote:
>>      My argument is why don't we try the providers solution as to how we
>> pay for our Internet and if it sucks the government will be perfectly
>> willing to jerk the whole thing away from the providers and give it to
>> us free and raise the taxes to pay for it??  That way my year old mother
>> inlaw has no computer can help pay for it.
> There's a big problem with your idea.  Several actually.  For one you
> cannot trust businesses, they're out to make money.  That in itself
> isn't wrong, but these businesses often use questionable practices in
> order to make money and that's wrong.  They skirt the law, go out of
> their way to find loop holes to avoid the law, and even blatantly
> break it without any care of getting caught because thanks to their
> lobbyists the penalties are quite literally tiny slaps on the wrist.
> The other major problems is that the US Congress is in the back pocket
> of Wall Street.  Lobbying is out of control.  Corporations spend
> millions of dollars getting Congressmen to shape the policies and laws
> of this country to their own liking.  They don't always get their way,
> but 90% of the time they do, and on the issue of Net Neutrality
> they're fighting really hard "against" it.
> A Tiered Pricing Internet is bad for the US Economy.  Its bad for many
> Internet based businesses, some of which are small and just started
> out and so they don't have a lot of money, and it sets up a situation
> where provides who are also cable TV providers can unfairly compete
> with services that offer video like Hulu, Netflix and Youtube.  You're
> idea would allow businesses to abuse the system in a way that could
> caused immense damage to the Internet, the economy, and possibly even
> the world economy.  Its about as bad an idea as Trickle Down
> Economics, which has been proven a failure time and time again but the
> GOP keep trying to impose it again, and again, and again.  Doing the
> same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is one
> of the classic signs of mental illness.
> Net Neutrality will ensure fair competition, fair competition will
> spur new innovation, from that will arise new Internet companies which
> will create jobs, and its a repeating system that will continue to
> grow.  A Tiered Pricing Internet will stifle innovation, that will
> kill the incentive to develop new businesses on the internet thus
> preventing job creation, and in turn it will slowly kill off
> businesses that don't have the money to pay for better provider
> bandwidth.  Only businesses with big corporate backing or those
> created by the providers themselves will flourish will independents
> will suffer.  These anti-competitive practices will have an even more
> devastating effect on the economy than the Digital Millennium
> Copyright Act and the Iraq War put together.
Michel, you just posted several paragraphs about how crooked Government 
is and how they are in the pocket of big business and then you want to 
turn the Internet over to them.  I agree business sucks, but they have 
to make the users happy or they won't last thirty days. The consumer has 
control over the quality of their service and their competetiveness. 
They have to be aware of how they serve their customers.  Having been in 
business I know for a fact you do not cheat your customers and stay in 
business.   The customer has even more control over big business than 
small business.  If any business has control over the Internet it is 
because the government has given them that control.
     In 1941 President Roosevelt who was the greatest proponent of 
trickle down economics ever, though he didn't call it that.  He paid big 
industry as well as small to build war armaments and they put the 
American people to work. Roosevelt did not give people money and he did 
not give them jobs.  He also did not tell industry how to run their 
businesses  as we do 70 years later.  Big industry did put the country 
to work!  I'm not suggesting war is the answer because we the next 
generation would have to pay for that.
     You have suggested that I have been listening to some politician to 
much or something like that. I forgot who! I think you have been 
listening to the liberals who are mimicking socialist Europe and has 
failed miserably.
     I have not seen anything that Government has a solution to except 
the few things the founding fathers gave it permission to do.  They did 
not Give the federal Government permission to control how any person 
runs his business that is the job of the consumer by controlling with 
whom he spends his money.
     Liberals have no faith in the intelligence of the American 
people.    Doug

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