=?utf-8?Q?It=92s_Official_?= =?utf-8?Q?=96?= The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December

Robert Holtzman holtzm at cox.net
Thu Dec 23 23:07:32 UTC 2010

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:25:44AM -0500, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> I have been setting back really enjoying this thread. About a year ago I 
> brought up a thread in Sounder that the FCC was going to stick it's nose 
> in and finally take over the Internet.

Nice FUD. I see you've been listening to that lunatic Mitch McConnell

> the peace.  I am glad to see it's back. I do think the users of the net 
> should really discuss this as we are the ones largely effected. I worry 
> that it will lead to more and more censorship and control.  They control 
> the airwaves to the point where they now belong to the Worlds 
> governments.  It won't take long before the internet is just another 
> Governemnt controlled comunication system.
>      I sail my own boat and have made several ocean crossings alone.  I 
> am sure no one here knows but the world has joined and made that illegal 
> activity.

Then how do you account for the recent crossing by a teen age girl. I
think I read that there is another under way now.

Oh, yeah, could you tell me just what law would be broken, or didn't
your propaganda machine supply you with an answer to that?

> I did not post this to be off topic but instead to show what 
> will almost surly happen to the Internet if we users do not fight 
> government intervention.
>      The Internet is a thorn in the sides of Government world wide, 
> because they don't control what we users are able to say.  I don't think 
> they really care if Comcast or some other provider has a monopoly or 
> not.                          Doug

The question is, do you?

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"
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