How Ubuntu Linux could help Google's Cr-48 notebook

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Dec 17 01:55:19 GMT 2010

*[Part of article not copied over - go to article itself to read the 
missing bit.]

Google chimes in*
So, in true Linux geek fashion, there's evidently been a concerted 
effort to get Ubuntu, the most popular Linux distribution of all time, 
up and running on the device.

And running it now is, if the YouTube video below is any indication. 
Ubuntu 10.10 
or Maverick Meerkat, is running on the device in that video, and despite 
the fact that the whole purpose of sending out the notebooks was to test 
Chrome OS, a separate post on Google's own site even offers a tutorial 
on making that happen.

"Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die."

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