Commentary on: Fwd: Howto: Empathy Training, Anger Management for improving communication & assistance in FSW community - was: Re: CiscoLinksys - Ric Moore +=1. Sensible man. ... ; jor kubuntu

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Thu Aug 5 09:00:30 BST 2010

On 05/08/2010 16:21, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:???


>>> Basil, you are completely wrong.

>> Ah, I was anticipating some sort of, "You've lost your marbles",
>> response so here is where you go and look :-) :
>> Read carefully.......
>> And you are, of course, also quite right: there is a glaring
>> contradiction between the 2 references.
>> It would appear that the difference is intentional so as to confuse
>> the hell out of people and also to be able to shout at you, "Gotcha,
>> you little worm!" if you step out of line :-) .
>> BC
> How strange is that?

It is more than simply "strange" :-( .

If you are sitting on the wrong side of the "net cops" attack it can be 
quite serious!

>    Maybe the Ubuntu web presence is too big for it
> to be regularly updated completely.  The site you reference is obviously
> the most-recently updated as it has the newer look.

Well, as I said, it is very serious to those who are at the "receiving 
end" of some admin who has lost the plot and doesn't know what a normal 
user has available to him/when they subscribe to a mail list.

> I must assume that one just chooses the description best-liked and
> posts accordingly.

No - this is just too loose of a "description" of what is what.

> This is getting to be sort of like the CoC and mailing list etiquette
> page reference distinction.  I do believe that Ubuntu needs to get its
> act together and come out with some consistency.
And it would be about time.

Those who have put their names forward to be "admins" of the mail lists 
should be reviewing what they are supposed to "admin" and ensure that 
they are "articulate" in the "rules" which they "admin".

I don't know if you subscribe to the kubuntu mail list but this is where 
this thread is from (and which is why it has been FWDed here).

There was some discussion going on under this Subject heading there when 
Ric Moore posted a response.

Out of nowhere, suddenly, came a post from a totally unknown and never 
heard-of female person telling him/everyone to stay on topic as what is 
being posted is off topic for the (kubuntu) mail list.

I chipped in and was told by this mysterious person, when I queried who 
she was, that to know who is "god" on the the list is to-


Yes, and you can know quite easily who are the mailing list admins if
you check the mailman address at the bottom of each mail.


When I looked at what was at the bottom of her posts I found-


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and when I went to the "mailman" mentioned, I got.... but see for 
yourself, I don't want to clutter up this list.. go here-

If you can see who the admins are then please, PLEASE, tell me so that I 
can go and get a new pair of spectacles, OK? I am possibly cross-eyed, 
having gone past the age of 20 years, and cannot see what I am supposed 
to see but you may see it all, and I therefore have to rely on your good 
graces to let me know what you see.

(I dislike arguments or offending any person or "jousting" with any 
person for some stupid and useless reason, but as you picked up, "How 
strange is that?" which is why I raise it here seeing as how Sounder 
could be the best of either or both worlds: "anything goes" or "to do 
with Ubuntu, or Linux, or Life, the Universe, and Everything Else".)


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