Internet taxation is on the way!

Samuel Thurston sam.thurston at
Thu Apr 8 16:18:34 BST 2010

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Amedee Van Gasse
<amedee-ubuntu at> wrote:
> On 08-04-10 00:40, Michael Haney wrote:
>> Then, you have fundamentalist Christians in politics
>> who are engaging in a systematic war of attrition against science and
>> common sense in favor of theocratic government.  There are people in
>> this country who "actually believe" if they report an Atheist to the
>> FBI that they'll be deported for not believing in God.  Religion is
>> tearing this country apart at the seams.
> Can you explain the difference between christian theocracy in the USA
> and islamic theocracy in Iran? Because I fail to see any difference.

The difference is, in Iran, there are actually government posts held
by clerics.  The head clerics actually outrank the secular leaders,
and there's no attempt to hide the influence religion has in politics.
 Policies are actually based on sharia.

In the USA (UKM by your spelling) the religious influence is thinly
veiled by the idea that the secular politicians are simply responding
to the will of the people.  Honestly though our legal framework pays
only lip-service to the extremists... instead of actually mandating
biblical law, we do things like put creation stories in children's
schoolbooks and hide scientific data that contradicts theological

> Anyway, back on topic plz. Oh wait this is the off topic channel.
> Shall we talk a bit about Belgian politics? What's your suggestion on
> Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde?

Are they talking about splitting it still?

> And what do you think about people having to promise that they will
> learn the language of the region when they want to buy a house? They
> don't have to do it, there is no exam, they only have to promise that
> they will do it.

Sounds like something we would do :)

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