A Call to Boycott Ubuntu? An Important Discussion Thread
Michael Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 18:08:28 BST 2009
Times have certainly changed and improved for women in the past
100-200 years. There was once a time when women couldn't vote in the
United States. Women were expected to do the house cleaning, cooking
and take care of the children. It was thought strange and improper
for women to want to have a career or got to college.
Over in Japan, during the Meiji Era before Admiral Perry sailed into
Tokyo Harbor ending that nation's centuries old self-imposed
isolation, women had no rights at all. They were property who could
be bought and sold, sometimes they were used by families to gain
political standing through marriage, and other times they were made to
work in brothels to earn money if the family was poor. Rape was never
punished unless the victim was married, and the wife of a Samurai was
off-limits unless you wanted to risk loosing your head. That also
happened to be one of the bloodiest eras in their history. Despite
its name Civil War isn't civil by any means.
So, yes, conditions for women have improved immensely in the many
parts of the world. There are still trouble spots like the Middle
East where they're still treated as property in many respects. Where
women have against the most equality has to be in the Western world.
Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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