Today I reinstalled Windows

Odd iodine at
Wed Sep 23 09:26:57 BST 2009

Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op dinsdag 22-09-2009 om 12:28 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Odd:
>> David Sanders wrote:
>>> This is surely quite true. However the main issue for Windows security
>>> as I see it is that a huge number of applications require
>>> Administrator-level privieges to run. This prevented me, for instance,
>>> from setting all the accounts on a windows box to User-level (at least
>>> for <= Win XP).
>> Yes, a broken security model. 
> Actually, that's a symptom of Windows security being right & the
> application being wrong...

Nope. It's entirely Microsoft's fault for shipping their OSes in
admin mode by default. IF they had shipped it so that only
a regular user was available by default, you might have had
a point.


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