Today I reinstalled Windows

David Gerard dgerard at
Sun Sep 20 13:22:37 BST 2009

2009/9/20 Chan Chung Hang Christopher <christopher.chan at>:
> David Gerard wrote:

>> That would be what got me into Ubuntu. My wife played Frozen Bubble at
>> a friend's house and asked me to put Ubuntu on her laptop so she could
>> play it at home ...

> Please, please. stop propagating the myth that games is the #1 issue of
> what puts an operating system on a home desktop.

I'm giving a real-life example!

Of course, the main application she used was Firefox.

What puts an operating system on a home desktop is maintaining a
monopoly of OEMs at any cost, including paying manufacturers to use
the old version of your operating system and paying retailers to sell
only the machines with your operating system on them.

It's hard to compete with that just with software excellence. In fact,
the process of disruptive innovation suggests that "adequate" and
"cheaper" is all that's needed. c.f. netbooks before the above process
kicked in.

- d.

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