
Michael Haney thezorch at
Tue Sep 15 22:28:13 BST 2009

No OS is 100% perfect nor 100% safe, but you can't deny that Mac and
Linux have far fewer threats against it online than Windows.

I've look up all kinds of info online about viruses for the Mac and
then looked up viruses for Windows.  Yeah, there are viruses for the
Mac, but they're a pitiful handful compared to the insane multitudes
that threaten Windows.  Only recently has Apple actually decided to
add a malware scanner to their OS.  Snow Leopard will have a malware
scanner because the increased popularity of the Mac also means people
are starting to make malware for that platform.

I've also noticed that a few game developers are taking short cuts
when releasing titles for the Mac.  Instead of developing native Elf
format binaries they're using Cedar, which is a specialized commercial
implementation of Wine designed just for that one game.  EA has been
doing this recently.  I'm not sure how well the games run but I
understand that many games run on Mac OS X using Crossover Games
(another commercial implementation of Wine) and the Mac version of
rather well.

On Linux I used to run Guild Wars with Wine and I run an old music
player called ModPlug Player (the BEST player for Mod format music,
period) for my Mod music collection.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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