China subsidizing Linux

Chan Chung Hang Christopher christopher.chan at
Sat Oct 31 09:29:01 GMT 2009

Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Was looking at this thread in the archives.   Seems like that China 
> would have picked Puppy Linux or some other small program that could 
> easily run on older computers. I would think this would encourage 
> farmers to use computers more.  It might also help create a market for 
> those old machines.  My wife has a netbook and we tried Puppy Linux on 
> it and it is really fast. There are other Linux programs that are 
> suitable for really small hard rives and old computers.

You have me cracking up. You seriously think that what might be over 500 
million illiterate farmers will be happy to pick up a computer and use it?

If you think that the US school system is bad, wait till you see the 
indoctrination program in China or lack of.

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