FCC and the internet

Samuel Thurston, III sam.thurston at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 02:37:36 GMT 2009

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Ian L. Target <ian69 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Michael Haney wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
>>> Michael wrote:
>>>>> What our foreign friends on Sounder need to understand is that people
>>>>> on the far right-wing political spectrum in the United States hate
>>>>> this country.
>>>>> They hate our freedoms, they hate the Constitution, and especially
>>>>> hate our President because he isn't White.
>>>> Disagree with the president and you are automatically labeled a racist.
>>>> That is quite some extrapolation.
>>> Equating "Hate" with "disagreeing with" is quite some extrapolation.
>> It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist or having an intellect of Dr.
>> Stephen Hawking's caliber to realize that the Right's problem with
>> Obama is his "skin color".
> All those who oppose Obama are racists?  Good grief.  Another email
> address to go into the kill file.

The vast majority of the spoken complaints on the right have to do
with excess government spending, amassing of "czars" and other things
that have been going on for years.  When the president amassing huge
deficits and appointing unvetted advisors were white guys (regan and
both bushes) it wasn't a problem.

I'm certainly not saying that all criticism of Obama is seated in
racism, but there's an undeniable undercurrent of Obama's "otherness"
in things like the birther nonsense.  Nothing Obama has done yet would
warrant a 400% increase in death threats, yet there it is.

 We don't have to talk about the elephant in the room, just don't
pretend it's not there.

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