FCC and the internet

Harold Sawyer hrsawyer at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 12:15:35 GMT 2009

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 7:05 AM, Odd <iodine at runbox.no> wrote:
> I'm afraid I must agree with you. "Screw you, as long as I got mine, you
> can go to hell" seems to be that mantra. It's really sad to see. Luckily
> not ALL Americans are like that. It's mostly Republicans, socalled
> "born again" Christians and their ilk.
> --
> Odd

It's all in the world view, I think.

As one of those Republican "born again" Christians, I am very active
personally helping others in my community improve their lives.  I have
always volunteered tons of my time on a weekly basis (not bragging,
but just putting things in perspective).  I often see the "other side"
wanting to use the government to take from their neighbor and help
those in need, so they can feel good and do nothing personally.

It's all in the world view.


Harold Sawyer

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