FCC and the internet

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Fri Oct 23 00:52:00 BST 2009

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote:

> On Thu, October 22, 2009 15:53, Steve Furbish wrote:
>> Sense Hofstede wrote:
>>> What is it with you all that you keep seeing the state as pure evil,
>>> even though it ought to represent you, be made up of you, whereas
>>> companies are universally good?
>> In theory you would expect it to be the other way around. Private
>> industry should be taking care of itself and government should be
>> protecting the interests of the citizenry. The problem is that even
>> obvious corruption has become acceptable these days. Government's main
>> interest seems to have shifted from protecting the country to
>> maintaining it's own power and the individual wealth of it's members.
>> Corporations now use powerful lobbies to gain government favor without
>> much concern for the actual welfare of the customer.
> Perhaps this is true in your country, but it's not globally true.

Well, nothing is universally true, but can you name a country on the planet 
where the government is actually looking out for its citizens?  No matter 
the electoral system, politicians have a vested interest in staying elected, 
and that usually means pander to the money, not the votes. Sorry, but I'm 
more than a little disillusioned.

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