FCC and the internet

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Thu Oct 22 15:00:28 BST 2009

On Thu, October 22, 2009 15:29, Steve Furbish wrote:
> Douglas Pollard wrote:
>> Net Neutrality is not so much the problem. It is the FCC that will gain
>> control to enforce it.  One more case  of  using an seemingly innocent
>> bill to gain control and we won't know what Net Neutrality is, until it
>> is past, as are all bills these days with no one being able to read them
>> in their entirety before passing.  It may not be an attempt at censor
>> ship, but is it a Trojan horse ??
>>         Doug
> The "Trojan Horse theory" is perhaps slightly more eloquently explained
> in Corynne McSherry's commentary posted yesterday on the EFF website.
> The bottom line is can you trust a government to do the right thing
> where power and massive amounts of profit are at stake?
> Steve

Hi Steve!

Who controls a government? Voters. Who can vote? Everybody older than
[legal voting age in your country] What is the value of a vote? Each vote
has the same value.

Who controls a private company? Shareholders. Who has shares? Everybody
rich enough to buy shares. What is the value of each vote? The biggest
shareholder has the biggest vote.

The bottom line is can you trust a private company to do the right thing
where power and massive amounts of profit are at stake?

At least you can send a government home in the elections every couple of
years. A good example are the US of A: they sent the republicans home
after 8 years of Bush administration.

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