FCC and the internet

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Thu Oct 22 09:10:50 BST 2009

On Wed, October 21, 2009 19:13, Michael wrote:
> Harold Sawyer wrote:
>> Pardon my American distrust of government, but there is little that
>> the US Government has gotten involved with that has not ended badly,
>> at least lately.
> <snipped>
> And now US citizens actually want its government to get involved in
> health care.  Think about the last time you had to stand in the line at
> the DMV.  The post office.  /Any/ government run office.  Yeah,
> government run health care - NOT!

As far as I am concerned, the US of A don't really exist, they were
invented by Hollywood.

I think it would also benefit the planet if the USA had their own
internet. Remember, AOL came from USA, and so did MS. They may have
invented the internet (DARPAnet) but we (Europeans) invented computers
(Konrad Zuse, Germany), programming (Ada Lovelace, UK), the World Wide Web
(Robert Cailliau, Belgium + Tim Berners-Lee, UK) and of course Linux
(Linus Torvalds, Finland)!

And now a really big fat smiley: ;-)

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