More than half of Windows machines are INFECTED with malware

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Thu Oct 8 00:50:37 BST 2009

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>>> Certainly, he would be, but I disagree with his definition of the Linux
>>> OS.
>>> He misses the desktop, which is clearly Canonical's focus.  He does,
>>> though, include udev, which while not a Canonical project is maintained
>>> by an Ubuntu dev.
>> Which Canonical employees work on the desktop? I note that Fedora is now
>> using Startup so that is another contribution too.
> I'm not even sure which side of this fence you're sitting on.  I have no 
> idea which Canonical employees work on anything, but (a) that's "upstart", 
> and (b) that's Scott James Remnant, the same guy responsible for udev.  
> Coincidence?  I think not :-)
Ah, I could not be bothered to lookup the name for the stuff responsible 
for /etc/event.d

Fence? What fence? Zee evil empire one or zee become big enough to play 
with zee evil empire or :-D

I just want to get the facts.

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