mail to individuals

Amedee Van Gasse (on Ubuntu mailing lists) amedee-ubuntu at
Sat Oct 3 14:20:14 BST 2009

On Fri, October 2, 2009 22:43, Odd wrote:

> More experienced? Don't make me laugh. I've worked extensively
> with Linux servers for many years. It's my job. We're just
> having a difference in opinion on what's the best setup for a list.
> The header stuff itself isn't remotely difficult to understand.

Email has nothing to do with Linux.
Email already existed when Linus T. was still running around in daipers.

> Oh, I'm so sad now. How will I ever sleep again? ;)

Hot milk with cinnamon and acacia honey.

>>>> As long as I have a brain to think with, I refuse to join a majority
>>>> on provable issues (even if you call me fascist which in my case would
>>>> be
>>>> more of an insult than you can imagine).
>>> Why would I call you a fascist? I never call anyone that, except
>>> for the ones that truly deserve it, like neo-nazis and David Irving.
>> I have been termed like that for refusing to break a ML setup thereby
>> ignoring a vast majority, the exact issue we are talking about.
> Well, I never called you a fascist.

Godwin strikes again.

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