Some will argue the moon landings were faked

Wendy Galovich wegalovich at
Thu Oct 1 15:56:38 BST 2009

On Thu, 1 Oct 2009 09:26:27 +0200
Donn <donn.ingle at> wrote:

> On Thursday 01 October 2009 08:59:38 Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Wouldn't it be too difficult to hide all the dinosaur skeletons
> > lying around everywhere in the Gobi desert?
> "Crouching dinosaur hidden Astronaut." - The Gobi Edition :D
> \d

They won't have to hide the skeletons.  Their visible existence will be
proof there that the moon not only has large amounts of water, but also
has hosted evolution of complex life.  Watch for the upcoming news

"Astonishing Discovery of Four-Winged Flying Pygmy Tyrannosaur Fossils
on the Moon

A special team of paleontologists has been employed to study an amazing
set of fossils discovered in photos transmitted from a Chinese moon
probe.  Several of the photos show what appear to be a pygmy
tyrannosaur skeleton with feather impressions in the surrounding rock.

A spokesman for the paleontological team said that the skeleton appears
very similar to but much smaller than that of Nanotyrannus.  In life
the animal would have weighed about 100 pounds.

The most interesting feature of the fossil, however, is the placement
of the feather impressions around the bones.  There are long feather
impressions aligned with the hind and forelimbs, and also at the sides
of the skull.

This feather placement has led the team of paleontologists to speculate
whether the creature might have been capable of flight, or at least
gliding.  When questioned about the animal's size and weight, the team
spokesman said that the moon's weaker would allow for easier flight than
on Earth.  He also stated that long flight feathers on not only the
limbs but also the head makes sense in terms of the animal's weight
distribution; it would have needed the extra support of the skull
feathers to avoid literally taking a nosedive as soon as it launched

Thus far the scientists have been unable to explain what the animal
might have eaten, as no other fossils have yet been seen, and further
discovery is not now possible within the current mission, as the robot
housing the camera was damaged and stopped transmitting early this
morning.  The last recorded images from the unit show it proceeding
along a flat plateau, abruptly falling forward for no apparent reason,
then skimming rapidly forward and dropping toward the bottom of a rocky
ravine.  The scientific team has offered no speculation as to how this
might have occurred."

Also watch eBay closely for subsequent sales of moon rocks and fossils.


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