mail to individuals

Stephen stephen_o at
Thu Oct 1 01:10:27 BST 2009

Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Stephen wrote:
>> Douglas Pollard wrote:
>>> Every once in a while I click reply on this list and some others and 
>>> make a reply. Instead of the reply going to the list it goes to the 
>>> individual.  Had it gone to the list it would likely have just been 
>>> a tongue in cheek comment.  Going to the individual I'm sure it 
>>> sounded like an attack on the individual. Is this my fault, am I 
>>> doing something wrong?    Should I click, reply to all?  This has 
>>> not happened often but I don't want to be sending individuals e-mail 
>>> without their permission.
>>>       Doug
>> The same thing happens to me when I click on reply I have to delete 
>> the e-mail address with the persons email in the "To" field and put 
>> sounder's email address there.
>> I belong to other mailing lists. The ubuntu technical list, and the 
>> mandriva list and there is no problem.
>> I believe it is a problem with the mail settings on the sounder list 
>> all though they deny it.
>> Stephen.
> I believe the problem is with Sender. I have just spent  some time 
> clicking reply to e-mails on other lists and in every case my reply  
> will be sent to the list. On sender my reply goes to  the sender. It 
> seems to me that everyone else is wrong or Sender is wrong, my 
> Thunderbird may be wrong only where Sender is concerned.  I find the 
> later hard to believe.   To:  is shown to go to sender in this reply, 
> if it goes instead to Sounder how is that possible?  I don't usually 
> look at the to: Line when replying to a list as I just expect the post 
> to go to the 
> list.                                                             
>                                                   Doug
That is what I expected as well, but I always check the field to see 
where my emails are going. I noticed it was the individual instead of 
the list.

I have belonged to many lists in the past lots of them being linux 
lists. Every reply I made went to the list. Except for Sounder. On 
Sounder if you click on reply it sends the message to the individual.


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