Why Linux is not (yet) ready for the desktop

Brian Fahrlander wheeldweller at gmail.com
Mon May 18 17:43:16 BST 2009

David Gerard wrote:
> http://linuxfonts.narod.ru/why.linux.is.not.ready.for.the.desktop.html
> I particularly empathise with the sound one. Linux sound is all sorts
> of stupid fucked up, in accreting shells of new sound systems that
> claim and fail to completely emulate the previous sound system.
    Well, the sound system is in a state of change...and has been for 
some time. But I think PulseAudio is the way to go. Just making sound 
locally is great...but what happens when you walk up with a USB headset? 
The bluetooth bud from your phone? And let's not forget the future.

    I recently had reason to investigate this.

    When PA is properly installed, plugging in USB headsets 
automagically channel from the speakers to the headsets without 
interrupting the flow of the sound. And, the application doesn't even 
know it's had the change, nor should it.

    Similarly, you can broadcast every sound that happens on your 
machine via multicast...then listen for it with VLC.  It's just a couple 
of clicks and it's done.  I have use for this; my trailer has a built-in 
computer for climate control, forecasting and such, but getting it's 
audio and the one from the workstation/entertainment center has been 
tough.  Now, the hourly announcements and warnings can be multicast for 
it and anything else aboard to hear.

    So yeah; we now have a really, really, really capable sound system 
and it isn't particularly hard to use. I just hope everyone else sees it 
and moves that way.

   As to 90% of what he had to say about Linux, I just don't have much 
trouble with.  I mean, let's face it: Linux, of any distro, isn't going 
to reveal your bank account and lose you $30,000!  :)

 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                                                         
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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