Binary incompatibility of Linux distributions

Liam Proven lproven at
Sat May 16 15:24:17 BST 2009

2009/5/15 anthony baldwin <photodharma at>:

> One thing I can't figure out is why the home page for each app isn't
> always listed in the synaptic descriptions, so one could just click on
> it and see the apps home page to learn more about the app.
> That would, IMHO, be a really good idea.
> For some apps a home page is listed, but not a link, and for the vast
> majority of apps, no home page is listed.
> I find myself googling stuff...
> /tony
> --
> art & photos | tony baldwin
> Unitarian Universalist art.

Lots of apps don't /have/ a homepage. A basic Linux distro consists of
tens of thousands of binaries. Not every one has its own distinct web
presence. Is there much point in a homepage for the ls command? It's a
program in its own right.

Secondly, home pages can change and come and go. Software authors
might not want them linked to their home internet account, for various
reasons, not least of which is spam-prevention. If they don't have or
don't want to use free web space, they might not be in a position to
pay for a site to be hosted elsewhere.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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