Intrepid KDE problems (was Community V. Community)

John McCabe-Dansted gmatht at
Wed Mar 25 03:48:06 GMT 2009

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Christopher Chan
<christopher.chan at> wrote:
>> Goddamn it, there are problems in KDE in Intrepid so bad as for it to
>> be laughable? Why wasn't I told? Damn computer been no use since I
>> upgraded to Jaunty and is because of the laughable KDE4
>> implementation?
> Yes. For a school environment where I want to create profiles per group.
> KDE3 is the only desktop on Linux that has a tool for that purpose
> (kiosktool) and that needs to be ported over to KDE4 before I even try
> to push Linux on the desktop again.

Until this is done, what is wrong with using Kubuntu 8.04.2?
   "This update is provided in recognition that the current
Kubuntu release (8.10) with its cutting edge KDE 4 desktop is not yet
appropriate for all users."

I seem to remember that there wasn't that much new in Intrepid: no new
Firefox an no new

Is there anything missing from Hardy that you need?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

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