Why Linux is not (yet) ready for the desktop

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Sun Jun 7 15:32:48 BST 2009

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Goh Lip wrote:
>> ps: If you have objections to religious signatures
>> would this bother you?
> Yes.  Pushing one's religious (or not) opinions on everybody on the list is 
> hardly friendly.
Yes, Derek I concur. However, I do have one more to add...
It is also repugnant or at least condescending to say one system, like a 
christian capitalist system has more merits over say, a hindu socialist 
  system. That is akin to a supremacist way of thinking. To attribute 
India's lack of progress to an inferior culture is not, to say the 
least... repugnant.

Goh Lip

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