Why Linux is not (yet) ready for the desktop

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Sun Jun 7 14:22:48 BST 2009

On Sun, 07 Jun 2009 20:51:42 +0800
Goh Lip <g.lip at gmx.com> wrote:

> Blessed is he who seeks God
> but beware of those who say they have found him.
> ps: If you have objections to religious signatures
> would this bother you?

Not in this context, personally, but as a .sig I think it has the same
problems as declarations of personal spiritual beliefs. Kind of
inappropriate on a list like this one?

But, bear in mind that we are being fairly light-hearted about all this
- admittedly somewhat at Brian's expense, but I think he can handle
it ;)

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