ACH transactions

Jan Claeys lists at
Fri Jul 31 00:42:32 BST 2009

Op zondag 26-07-2009 om 23:37 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Graham Todd:
> I don't know of any reference that could be alluded to women in the UK
> in a denigrating way by "a hen party".  My stepdaughter tonight came
> on the phone to tell me she's home from her friend's hen party, and
> told me (some of) what she got up to, and neither of us thought it
> denigrating.
> I'm not saying that other cultures wouldn't find it so, but I don't
> know which cultures they could be.  So, no need to apologise here.

I think Ignazio wanted to point out that "hen party" probably sounds
denigrating to people outside of the regions where it is commonly used
(e.g. some non-native speakers or English speaking regions that use
other expressions for the same phenomenon).

Jan Claeys

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