ACH transactions

Ignazio Palmisano ignazio_io at
Sun Jul 26 14:01:09 BST 2009

Chris Rees wrote:
> 2009/7/26 Michael <mmorse757 at>:
>> Graham Todd wrote:
>>> On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 20:38:09 +0100
>>> Chris Rees <utisoft at> wrote:
>>>> And actually, I think of myself as European, as do most of the people
>>>> I know
>>> [snipped]
>>> Most of the people I know think themselves governed by a European
>>> Parliament , or that the British Parliament has become subsidiary, and
>>> given up its sovereignty to the European Parliament.  The majority of
>>> people I know would wish that sovereignty would return to the British
>>> Parliament at Westminster (though I am not one of them).
>>> I live in Kent (in the south-east of England close to the cross-channel
>>> link) yet those around me think of themselves as "British" or "Brits":
>>> they don't think of themselves as "English" nor "European".  Most of the
>>> ferries that cross the English Channel, and the trains that travel to
>>> France through the Channel Tunnel, depart from Kent, but Kentish men
>>> (or Men of Kent!) do not regard themselves as primarily European, but
>>> primarily British.
>>> That's not true of everybody; some are internationalists, but for the
>>> vast majority, most are xenophobes.  You are lucky in having most of
>>> the people round you consider themselves as European.
>>> This must be really boring for these who do not live in the United
>>> Kingdom, so I intend to stop contributing to this thread from now on....
>> On a some what related topic of how people view themselves and others,
>> what do Europeans call dark skinned people?   Here in America, we have
>> this idiotic term, "African American" that some politically correct type
>> people like to use.  (I refuse to use it.)  Last semester, a college
>> professor used the term "African American" when referring to the
>> percentage of the non-white population  in Canada.  I laughed out loud
>> when I heard her say it.  Any Canadians on the list?  Do y'all use the
>> term "African Canadian"?  Or are we Americans the only people stupid
>> enough to use this retarded term?
> Personally, I never talk about 'African Americans' in that way, since
> I don't tend to notice when people aren't of my ethnic background
> (strange, I know). I figure that someone's ethnic background should
> only matter to them, so I would never use it to discuss or identify
> them.
> The only politically correct way to refer to someone is by name.

I guess that depends on context and purpose. Depict a situation like the 
following: I am at the pub with my mates, and a hen party walks in. 
Chauvinist as it might be, all of us look at the women. As it's common 
in UK, all of them are dressed in a similar way. Now suppose you find 
one of them particularly attractive, how do you make that known to your 
friends? You choose the most discriminant feature, i.e., the blond one, 
if they are mostly brunettes, or similar things. I believe any of the 
possible features is politically correct to pick, unless it's an insult, 
since the remark carries no judgment based on the feature, and obviously 
I cannot refer to them by name. Otherwise I'd have to say: the second 
from left, or something like that...

> Chris

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