This place sure goes in "spurts"

David Gerard dgerard at
Tue Jul 21 21:46:59 BST 2009

(to list as well)

2009/7/21 Donn <donn.ingle at>:
> On Tuesday, 21 July 2009 22:29:26 David Gerard wrote:

>> Of course, the answer to that cartoon is to posit that drug-resistant
>> TB did not evolve, but was effectively pushed into its present form by
>> human-imposed artificial selection, just as every domestic animal has
>> been selectively bred. So it was the product not of evolution, but of
>> intelligence-being-stupid design.

> Tricky... but isn't artificial selection still evolution? Pretty sure it
> qualifies. The DNA still changes over time.

Possibly. Darwin used the term "natural selection" as a contrasting
term to "artificial selection", i.e. what breeders have done with
animals and plants for thousands of years.

I personally would call drug-resistant TB a good example of "stupid
design" ... just because your actions cause the opposite of what you
want doesn't mean that you didn't cause the outcome.

- d.

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