This place sure goes in "spurts"

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Tue Jul 21 18:22:43 BST 2009

ti, 2009-07-21 kello 14:11 +0200, Donn kirjoitti:
> On Tuesday, 21 July 2009 14:02:03 Ari Torhamo wrote:

> > > Is there morality to be found in Science? Yes, profoundly.
> > > Is there compassion? Abundantly.
> > > Is there respect and wonder? The beaker overfloweth.
> > > Is there love for each other in it's hallowed laboratories? Of course.
> > You are confusing things. Morality, compassion, love, etc. are not
> > properties of science (scientific method). Individual scientists may or
> > may not carry them, but that's another matter.
> That scientists carry these properties is obvious. 

> That science as a human 
> exercise can propose values and ethics is a simple truth. That religion will 
> refuse to hear it is a sad truth.

You are shuffling. Science, as well as most other things, can be used to
"propose" (my English may be failing me, I assume by this you mean
"advance") different ethical and valuable aims by providing practical
means to achieve them. That doesn't in any way make those qualities part
of the scientific method (well, you are not supposed to cheat in
science, but I don't think that has been proven scientifically ;-) It's
important to keep in mind the difference between science and scientists
as persons.


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