This place sure goes in "spurts"

Ignazio Palmisano ignazio_io at
Tue Jul 21 18:06:05 BST 2009

Odd wrote:
> Please don't send me mail off-list, send to the list.
> David Sanders wrote:
>> Whatever - it was certainly not a utopian democracy, but in fact
>> you'll see that now it's basically the same, but with several hundered
>> thousand dead.
> The number of civilian deaths in Afghanistan is nowhere near
> that number.

True, thank goodness it's a lot lower:

but look at the percentages. 40% due to "us". Given that most of the 
deaths caused by the other side is due to suicide bombings and similar 
stuff, which tend to be quite indiscriminate in who they kill, 40% means 
this side is shooting without aiming as well. These are not "mistakes", 
it's carelessness.

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