This place sure goes in "spurts"
donn.ingle at
Tue Jul 21 16:48:49 BST 2009
On Tuesday, 21 July 2009 15:33:13 Florian Diesch wrote:
> > Ding! Stock canard. Try again after doing some research.
> I guess you already did some research. Why don't you tell us about your
> results?
No, you do the work. Google about atheism, it's not "teh evil" :D
> >> What we need is to recognize and respect the beliefs and practices of
> >> others even if we don't understand them.
> > Why? Not every belief & practice (BaP) is worth respect.
> Why not? Who decides which BaPs are worth respect?
Well, look at the BaP and then judge it. Let's see: mutilating a girl's
genitals - check. Honour killing - check. Denying reason and logic - check. Oh
it goes on and on. Just base the decision on one simple tenet: "Do not cause
or allow suffering." all else will follow.
> > You are entitled to your own BaPs, but not your own facts. We can't
> > *all* be right. Therefore some of our BaPs must be wrong, some kind-
> > of right and others right.
> Maybe some are wrong. Maybe all are wrong. We just don't know, and maybe
> we never will. So why not just try to get along with each other?
We must absolutely try to get along. We must also have the sense of integrity
and love of truth to ask tough questions and be prepared to change our minds.
The minds of the religious simply do not change according to external input.
If you have two tribes and one refuses to compromise, then they are the
problem. How can you 'get along' with an inflexible neighbour?
> > How do we know unless we use, oh I dunno... reason and logic (which
> > done correctly *is* science), in order to find out?
> Maybe science is wrong.
Heh ;) You need to do some research again -- go look at what "science"
actually is. Here's a start:
> Maybe the human brain can't get the truth.
Here you define "truth" in your own special way. It's a slippery word anyway.
If I replaced it with "snorfgurdle" then your sentence would read more
sensibly: "Maybe the human brain can't get the snorfgurdle."
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