This place sure goes in "spurts"

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Tue Jul 21 13:02:03 BST 2009

ti, 2009-07-21 kello 09:00 +0200, Donn kirjoitti:
> On Tuesday, 21 July 2009 03:02:21 Ari Torhamo wrote:
> > It seems that for many people science has taken the place that used to
> > belong to religions: 
> Yes - in the same way that medicine has taken the place of bleeding the bad 
> humours out of a patient to get them well again. In the same way that Python 
> has taken the place of BASIC in programming. In the same way that cars have 
> taken over from horses. You split the two when what really happened is that 
> one grew out of the other and then became better and is now
> able to replace it.

You seem to have missed my point. I was talking about science taking the
place of religion mentally.

> Is there morality to be found in Science? Yes, profoundly.
> Is there compassion? Abundantly.
> Is there respect and wonder? The beaker overfloweth.
> Is there love for each other in it's hallowed laboratories? Of course.

You are confusing things. Morality, compassion, love, etc. are not
properties of science (scientific method). Individual scientists may or
may not carry them, but that's another matter.


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