This place sure goes in "spurts"

Odd iodine at
Tue Jul 21 12:00:43 BST 2009

Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
> Odd wrote:
>> David Sanders wrote:
>>> 2009/7/21 Odd <iodine at>:
>>>> Graham Todd wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 17:27:39 +0200 Odd <iodine at> wrote:
>>>>>>> If anyone's foreign policy can be compared with Hitler's,
>>>>>>> it's GWBs.
>>>>>> To be fair, he only invaded one country that didn't deserve it.
>>>>> Which countries deserved it?
>>>> Afghanistan of course. I'm sure you're one of those bleeding hearts
>>>> that disagree, and think one should turn the other cheek when
>>>> attacked. Sorry, I don't see it that way.
>>>> Taliban was in control of Afghanistan at that time, and they
>>>> refused to hand over bin laden. So they had it coming.
>>> Oh yes of course. A whole country down the toilet because of damaged 
>>> pride.
>> Uhm, it was pretty much down the toilet from before, and it had
>> nothing to do with pride. America got attacked. The masterminds
>> were in Afghanistan with support of the Taliban.
>>> Way to go America, example of modern democracy and humility to
>>> us all. Now I'll let you get back to annihilating the arab world.
>> Wow, could you be more dramatic? The arab world is in the
>> shitter due to their own flawed politics and supressive religion.
>> How long are they gonna blame the west for it?
> Well what about stopping giving them good excuses such as bombs on 
> civilian houses and bleeding heart similar things? Conservative 
> estimates for civilian deaths in Iraq are around half a million 
> /civilians/. All of them voting for Saddam? Or religious nutcases?
> Come on man, wars almost never hit the "right" target (and that's 
> supposing a right target exists).

Mistakes will be made. War is not pretty. As for the radical muslims,
they want confrontations with the west. They'll use any excuse they
can find. If they can't find any, they'll make them up.


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