This place sure goes in "spurts"

Samuel Thurston, III sam.thurston at
Mon Jul 20 15:54:33 BST 2009

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Allen Meyers<texas.chef94 at> wrote:
> Allen Meyers

Seriously? Fox news and talk radio are fun, but they're not actually
sources of information.

When did pissing off the Queen become such a hot button issue for
republicans anyway?  Bowing to the saudi king?  Bush practically made
out with the man, and was frequently seen holding his and other saudi
royals hands on romantic walks.

Well, provided that Obama doesn't 1) allow a well-advertised attack on
US soil to succeed, 2) shuffle the perpetrator's immediate family out
of the country under FBI protection immediately thereafter, and 3) use
this attack as a justification to sacrifice a half million or so more
lives abroad in an unrelated foreign war of aggression, he'll be no
worse off than the last guy.

>  Regards from 77yrold and not an Obama fan

 I couldn't tell...

>1360 more days to go... God help us all!

What happens then? the rapture? it's unlikely we're going to get a
non-whore in the oval office.  It's requirement #1 for the job these
days.  The only difference is the party affiliation of the johns.

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