[ANNOUNCE] Ubuntu EMEA Regional Membership Board seeking new member

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu Dec 10 10:45:29 GMT 2009

The Ubuntu EMEA Regional Membership Board (EMEA RMB) is seeking an
additional Ubuntu community member to join as a member of the board.
More details about the RMB can be found at the following links:-


The Regional Membership Boards are responsible for considering Ubuntu
member applications and do this via a regular public meeting held on
IRC. Ideally the candidate should reside in an timezone which is
conducive to attending one hour online meetings which are typically
held at around 20:00 UTC, and can commit to attending those meetings
wherever possible.

The EMEA RMB will collate nominations and pass the list (in full) to
the Community Council who will select one person from the list
supplied. The plan looks like this:-

* Nominations open with this mail on 10th December 2009
* Nominations close on 17th December 2009
* EMEA RMB to collate nominees and pass to the Community Council by
24th December
* Community Council to select from above pool and announce accordingly

If you are an Ubuntu member and are interested in joining the EMEA
RMB, or know someone else who is an existing member and might be
suitable, please drop an email to the board at the following address:-

ubuntu-membership-board-emea at lists.ubuntu.com

Note: This is a private mailing list so your mail will be held in
moderation, and you may be notified of this via a reply. We will
approve all nomination mails to the list.

Please pass this notification on to your teams.

Many thanks,
Alan Pope
For the Community Council and EMEA Regional Membership Board

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