[OT] command of English by non-native speakers

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Tue Dec 8 02:25:35 GMT 2009

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Dec 2009 08:25:49 +0800
> Christopher Chan <christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk> wrote:
>> But what do the local schools emphasize? Their gimmicky teaching 
>> enhancements, General Studies (knowing how many lines the Light
>> Railway runs is so earth shattering apparently) and a host of other
>> nonsense. Not one school emphasizes the most important basic.
>> Language. Thanks to our esteemed Education Bureau.
> Of course educational standards are sliding downward; the educated man
> is a dangerous man because he so often develops the bad habit of
> thinking for himself and the even worse  trait of seeing through the
> bull.. stroking that takes place in the halls of government, no matter
> whose or what variety.
> The uneducated man is much more easily controlled and separated from
> his money.  
> These facts are not lost on the Powers That Be.

Ah yes, the mandatory brain washing. Of course, how could I leave that 
out? Why else would the Education Bureau outlaw home schooling. If only 
I was not ethnic Chinese...

> Our one hope is to find like-minded individuals and tutor them as best
> we can.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a like-minded individual to 
tutor my son nor will that individual be able to not with the truckload 
of homework the schools pass out each day and the weekly tests that are 
scheduled for the half a dozen subjects they 'teach' aka give out 
homework for.

> New Dark Ages, here we come with arms open wide.

I thought we were already in the New Dark Ages for quite some time now?

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