Sounder mailing list etiquette and future direction

Steve Furbish sfurbish at
Sat Dec 5 15:08:19 GMT 2009

Ari Torhamo wrote:
> to, 2009-12-03 kello 22:10 -0400, Derek Broughton kirjoitti:
>> It's Sounder, for heaven's sake.  It was always the place where anything 
>> goes. 
> There's no public place where "anything goes" - and I'm glad of that. I
> agree with the need to do something to the problem. Those few who are
> causing the problem try to make this a question of freedom, or say that
> other people just have thin skin or that more strict rules would choke
> down creativity. Almost no one here wishes for that kind of "creativity"
> and most people don't want a thick skin to be a precondition for
> subscribing to these mailing lists. 
> -Ari-
OK, so how about those of us who think that people should be responsible 
enough to choose to ignore those posts that bother them rather than 
respond to them or complain about them. The existence of this entire 
thread suggests power and control issues more than anything else. 
Perhaps you don't need "thick skin", but a little common sense wouldn't 
hurt. Flamers only enjoy themselves when others respond to them. Ignore 
the mean people and you'll be much happier - ban them and you just make 
Sounder a little bit boring.

~ 2 cents ~


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