Meta Posting

Emil Payne EHSPayne at
Sat Dec 5 08:48:11 GMT 2009

Just happened to run across this on a Yahoo group

oh brother...
I am soooo "new"

what does "meta posting" mean?

Briefly, meta posting is discussing the list (and or its rules) rather than
discussing the topic of the list. It distracts from the real purpose of the
list, and in some cases (in fact, frequently), it's an annoyance to the 
of the list members for that purpose and because the poster really only
wants to argue about the list rules not just with the list owner but 
with an
audience, trying to generate "support" for their point of view that they
should be the ones to set the list rules rather than the list owner.

Thus, most lists (not all, but most) have rules against meta posting, even
if they don't call it that. Hard on newbies, but necessary because of those
who use it for the purpose described above.

If you're confused about list rules, the appropriate thing to do is to 
read the Welcome Message if you received one (and most lists have them set
to go out automatically either upon application or upon acceptance into the
list), and then, if you're still confused, by contacting the list
owner/moderators privately. (YahooGroups makes this easy to do by providing
a list owner address that you can use for that purpose.).

If you disagree with the list rules? Well, in that case, your option is to
abide by them anyway, or to find another list (or start your own) with 
that you find more personally amenable.

Fantasy Football Rules:
  Wands are Offensive.
  Wings are Defensive.

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