Sounder mailing list etiquette and future direction

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at
Sat Dec 5 00:08:20 GMT 2009

On Fri, December 4, 2009 18:00, Liam Proven wrote:

> Not only am I not willing to play along with these rules, but frankly,
> I find such insipid and characterless discussions - something I find a
> particularly American sort of tone in some online fora - to be
> hatefully and intolerably dull.

Ubuntu is South African, and its corporate HQ is in the UK (Europe).

> OTOH, the chap here that kept issuing some kind of muslim dedication -
> that is violently offensive to me, as a hardcore atheist. I am not
> posting any message dedicated to anyone's  god, nor am I even replying
> to one. I myself would move for a total ban on all mention of any
> religion, including those to me rather hateful sigs proclaiming that
> people espouse any particular variety of primitive superstition.

Being an ignost myself, I consider your atheism as some kind of
anti-religion and therefor some kind of religion on itself. Why? Because
religion is all about certain questions. Religious people claim that they
know the answer and it is yes; atheists like you claim that they know the
answer and it is no; agnosts don't know the answer but still claim to know
what the question is; and ignosts just say "what the frak are you guys all
talking about?" Ignosts aren't so presumptuous to claim that they can
formulate the right questions (or answers!) when talking about concepts
that, by definition, are not definable by human language.
In other words, colorless green ideas sleep furiously...

Amedee Van Gasse

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