Debian: contempt for "end user" values has to stop!"
donn.ingle at
Sat Aug 22 14:32:03 BST 2009
On Saturday 22 August 2009 15:03:33 Liam Proven wrote:
> the developing world...Where is the proper, installable,
> upgradable distro for them?
It's the same reason, I surmise, for what I call "bandwidth arrogance": We
have fast Internet, so therefore everyone else does too.
Just look at email attachments: do you know it's impossible* to control the
size of jpg files to an email? You can't get a nice resize wizard. You can't
set clients to stop allowing attachments after X kilobytes. There's just no
concept of email being too big. Why? Because of bandwidth arrogance. The
countries that get code written have faster, better, newer computers and net
connections -- so the software goes that way.
It's kind of inevitable too, so I don't think it will change.
Here in South Africa there have been one or two distros that tried to take-off,
but 1) the momentum of MS is just too great -- it's so much easier to pirate
all that great software and 2) There is a virtual communications black-out due
to the cartels and monopolies on Internet down here. We have *no* Internet,
not a real one. There's no real blogging, no web apps, no divers forums, no
inventions (beyond a handful), nothing is *happening*. It sucks so much.
People down here have never heard of Ubuntu. They have no idea that MS and
lock-in software is *even* an issue. It's like living in the middle ages
* Sure, I can write something. I can find a way, but I sure as hell can't teach
other people how to use bash and convert....
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