Debian: contempt for "end user" values has to stop!"
Florian Diesch
diesch at
Thu Aug 20 17:32:58 BST 2009
Liam Proven <lproven at> writes:
> 2009/8/20 Ray Leventhal <ubuntu at>:
>> My point was clearly misunderstood if it's been thought of as harmful.
>> Lets try to make that point by example.
> [...]
>> I had a need and I took it upon myself to fix MY need. The blogger who
>> says that 'my need for a font manager isn't being met, therefore the
>> FOSS community sucks' doesn't get it. He wants it the way he wants it
>> and he wants it for free. That's not how it works, unless someone has
>> already written it and seen fit to open the source for us all to
>> use/modify/play with. Mostly that model works really really well. I
>> thrive on it and revel in it.
> But that is not what the post was about. You are misreading the
> original post, AFAICS.
> The point of the post was this:
> - something used to work fine
> - a programmer has come along and disabled it
> • 2 examples have been given:
> [1] a font that has been removed because someone felt its
> functions were fulfilled elsewhere
According to <>
it has been removed because nobody wanted to maintain it anymore.
If you want it back see
> [2] a stylus setup tool that was removed because some
> programmer disliked the programming tools used to create it and
> intended to write something better but has never got round to it
I don't understand the rational behind that, too. But judging from the
very few comments on
<> there doesn't
seem much interest from end users in this issue either.
> - both of these changes have resulted in a loss of functionality for end-users
> - because the programmers have a privileged position in the distro,
> the changes will not be reversed
The just have the privilege to not having to convince anybody but themselves to
get things done.
But you don't have to be a programmer to submit a package to Debian.
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