Debian: contempt for "end user" values has to stop!"

Derek Broughton derek at
Tue Aug 18 22:49:24 BST 2009

Donn wrote:

> So, if he installed it and he found a single bug I expect a *nuke* in my
> post box! Or a snarky rant article. No thanks. Like it or not, the
> majority of apps are written by complete twats like me and we don't even
> pretend to be experts or working coders.

I must wholeheartedly disagree with the characterization of yourself, and 
others like you, as "twats"...
> I guess the irony is that the "end users" *are* the developers.
> If that means GNU/Linux will never get its nerd-off then so be it.

Hear, hear.  I just cringe every time I see anybody say that Linux (or any 
other unix-like system) has to be _anything_.  It is what we want it to be, 
or at least it tends in that direction...

> I'd also like to see things graphical progress. There are too many
> islands, too many toolkits, too many little unconnected utilities that
> largely don't work. Not a day goes by that I don't think "Oh by the balls
> of the Flying Pasta Monster

Oh my Great Flying _Spaghetti_ Monster - it's a schism!

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